Women driving while wearing niqaab

Q. I recently started to wear a niqab and I'm concerned about the law in Trinidad. Is it legal to drive with this garment? My driver's permit shows that I wear hijab, so what should I do if I am stopped by police officers, can they demand that I remove my niqab? Can I be charged for driving "in disguise"? What are my rights when I go to the bank and other places with regards to my ID?
A. It is not against the law to drive with the Niqaab. Alhamdulillah our securities in Trinidad know very well that many Muslim women wear the niqaab, so they do not make it an issue, and they do not ask them to lift their veils.
Driving with niqaab is not driving ‘in disguise’, it is driving with a veil and you would not be charged.
When you go to the bank and other places there are no problems. The people in different offices are accommodating and understanding. Daily, there are many Muslim women who go about doing their work in different offices without encountering any problem.
And Allah knows best.


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