Etiquette of Eating .. 1

Aisha Siddiqa (Radi Allahu anha) narrates that the Prophet of Allah  said, "Whenever one eats then he should say the name of Allah (say ) and if he forgets to say Bismillah in the beginning then he should say, "" (Tirmizi, Abu Dawood, and Hakim)
Wahshi Bin Harb (Radi Allahu anhu) narrates that the Prophet of Allah  said, "Eat together and read , in this, there is blessing for you." (Masnad Imam-e-Ahmad, Sunan-e-Abi Dawood, Ibne Majah)
Jabir Bin Abdullah (Radi Allahu anhu) narrates that the Prophet of Allah  said, "Whenever someone enters the house and at the time of entering and eating recites , the Shaitan says to his offspring that "you will not be able to live or eat in this home", and if at the time of entrance one doesn't read  then he [the devil] says "that you have found a place to live" and if someone doesn't read  at the time of eating then he says "you found a place to live and you have found food." (Sahih Muslim)
Amr Bin Abi Salma (Radi Allahu anhuma) narrates that I was child in the care of the Prophet of Allah . While eating I would put my mouth on every side of the dish. Rasul-Allah  said, "After reading , eat from the right side and eat from that side of the dish which is nearer to you. (Bukhari and Muslim)
Jabir Bin Abdullah and Asma (Radi Allahu anhuma) narrate that Rasul-Allah said, "Cool your meal because there is no blessing in hot food. (Rawahul-Hakim and Abu Dawood)


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