How do we perform namâz

1- You turn towards the direction of the Qibla. The heels are kept a four-finger-width away from each other. Tips of thumbs touch earlobes, and palms are turned towards the Qibla. After saying “I intend to perform the sunnat of today’s morning prayer for the sake of Allah,” the right hand is put on the left hand under the navel saying Allahu akbar. It is also necessary for you to know that you have turned towards the Qibla at that time.

2- Keeping the eyes fixed on the place of the sajda [prostration], you recite the Subhânaka. After saying the A’ûdhu and the Basmala, you recite the Fâtiha and, without saying the Basmala, an additional sûra [a chapter of the Qur’ân al-karîm].

3- After reciting the additional sûra, you bend for the ruku’ [bowing by putting hands on the knees] saying Allahu akbar. In the ruku’, you open your fingers and put them on your knees (in a grasping manner). You keep your back and head level. You look at the feet and saySubhâna rabbiyal-‘azîm three times.

4- You straighten up from the ruku’ saying Sami’ Allahu liman hamidah. While straightening up, you must not pull up your trousers and must not withdraw your eyes from the place of the sajda. When you stand upright, you say Rabbanâ lakal hamd.

5- You stand for a while and kneel down for the sajda saying Allahu akbar. You say Subhâna rabbiyal-a’lâ three times in the sajda.

6- Afterwards, by saying Allahu akbar, you put your left foot flat on the ground with its toes pointing towards the right. The right foot should be upright with its toes touching the ground and pointing towards the Qibla. You sit on your thighs, place your palms on your knees and let your fingers free. 

7- Saying Allahu akbar, you prostrate for the sajda again.

8- After saying Subhâna rabbiyal-a’lâ three times in the sajda, you stand up saying Allahu akbar.

9- While standing, you say the Basmala, the Fâtiha and an additional sûra. Then you bend down for the ruku’ saying Allahu akbar.

10- The second rak’at [units of namâz each of which comprises the actions of standing, bowing, and two times prostration] is completed in the same way as detailed for the first rak’at. However, after the second sajda, when you say Allahu akbar, you do not stand up but sit on your thighs. After reciting the prayers Attahiyyâtu, Allahumma salli, Allahumma bârik and Rabbanâ âtinâ, you make the salâm first to the right and second to the left by saying Assalâmu ‘alaikum wa rahmat-ullah. Following this, you say the certain prayer “Allahumma anta-s-salâm wa minkas-salâm tabârakta yâ dhal jalâli wa-l-ikrâm.” 

Then you stand up and perform the fard [obligatory prayer] of the morning prayer without saying anything in between. The fard of the morning prayer is performed in the same way as explained for the sunnat of it.

After completing the namâz, you say the following prayer that reads“Astaghfirullah-al‘azîm alladhî lâ ilâha illâ huw-al-hayy-al-qayyûma wa atûbu ilayh” three times, then you recite the Âyat al-kursî and say Subhânallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu akbar, 33 times each, and the prayer “Lâ ilâha il-l-Allahu wahdahû lâ sharîka lah lah-ul-mulku wa lah-ul-hamdu wa huwa ’alâ kulli shay’in qadîr”once. Afterwards, you make du’â [supplication].

After you perform the first two rak’ats as we have explained above, when you sit following the second rak’at of the sunnat namâzes that contain four rak’ats, you say only the “Attahiyyâtu” and stand up for the third rak’at. During the third and fourth rak’ats of the sunnat namâzes, you say the Fâtiha and an additional sûra. Then you make the ruku’ and sajda, and you sit. After reciting the prayersAttahiyyâtu, Allahumma salli, Allahumma bârik and Rabbanâ âtinâ, you complete the namâz by making the salâm first to the right and second to the left. 

When you sit after the second rak’at of the four-rak’at fard namâzes, you only say the Attahiyyâtu and stand up for the third rak’at (you perform the first two rak’ats as we have explained above). However, you say only the Fâtiha during the third and fourth rak’ats, and you sit after making the rukus and sajdas. During the last sitting posture, you say the prayers Attahiyyâtu, Allahumma salli, Allahumma bârik,and Rabbanâ âtinâ and complete the namâz by saying the salâm first to the right and second to the left.

The fard of the evening prayer is as such. That is, the additional sûra is not said during the third rak’at.

In all three rak’ats of the namâz of witr, you say an additional sûra after saying the Fâtiha. After the additional sûra in the third rak’at, you raise your both hands up to your ears by saying the takbîr [Allahu akbar], and (after folding your hands) you say the prayers termedQunût. 

The initial sunnats of the late afternoon and night namâzes are like other four-rak’at sunnat namâzes. But when you sit after their second rak’ats, after reciting the Attahiyyâtu, the prayers Allahumma salliand Allahumma bârik are recited completely.

As for the namâzes of women, they do not raise their hands up to their ears as men do. They raise their both hands up to the level of their shoulders and make niyyat [intention]. Then they fold their hands on their breasts. While making ruku’, they do not keep their backs level. They lay their forearms on the floor in the sajda, and they sit on their buttocks during sitting postures.


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