A newly Muslim convert

First of all, you must teach him “îmân”; that is, you must teach him Allahu ta’âlâ, His Attributes, Hadrat Muhammad’s being His Prophet, the six tenets of belief in the Âmantu, and then the five fundamentals of Islam. After teaching the foregoing, you should help him perform namâz [ritual prayer]. For it is purported in a hadîth-i sharîf:
(When you are sent on a mission to a tribe whose people are Ahl-i Kitab [the people of the Book], firstly invite them to say “Lâ ilâha ill-Allah Muhammadun Rasûl-Allah.” If they accept your invitation, notify them that it is fard to perform the five daily namâzes. If they also accept this, let them know that Allah has made the zakat that is taken from the rich and given to the poor fard.) [Bukhârî, Muslim, Abû Dâwud]


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