Shayk Muin al Sindi (d. 1161AH) has stated in Dirasat al Labib fi Uswa al Hasana bi al Habib;
‘’From amonst the legal rulings which are baseless is the obligation of the takbir before the Qunut of Witr. Pertaining to its obligation I have found no marfu hadith let alone that the Prophet (SAW) performed it perpetually or that ant warning exists upon abandoning it, though I perform the takbir perpetually trusting in the Hanafi scholars, I do not regard it as Wajib.
The same work states;
From those legal rulings which have no foundation is the statement of Abu Hanifa that to raise the hands for the takbir of Qunut is Wajib. I as yet, I have not found an authentic athar from an eminent Tabii upon the issue, let alone anything from a Sahabi.
In the same work it is stated;
‘’It is established from the narration related by Hafiz Abu bakr ibn Abi Shaibah in his Muasannaf upon the authority of Abdullah ibn Masud (ra) that he would raise his hands for the Qunut of Witr.

He has also related from Abd al Rahman ibn al Aswad (rah) from his father that, ‘’After the recitation in the final rakah of Witr; Abdullah ibn Masud (rah) would recite the takbir and then the Qunut. When he would the Qunut then he would recite the takbir and perform ruku.
The Hanafis have contradicted the actions of Abdullah ibn Masud (ra) in two issues;
-Firstly, the raising of the hands at the Qunut.
-Secondly, the addition of the raising of the hands at the time of the takbir.’’
The author of Al Hidayah in presenting a proof for raising the hands at the time of the takbir before the Qunut in Witr has adduced the hadith;
‘’The hands should not be raised in beside seven places;
1.Takbir of commencement of salah
2.Takbir for the Qunut in the Witr
3.In the two Eid prayers
4.At time of touching Hajar al Awsad
5.Upon al Saffa and al Marwa
6.At Muzdalifa and Arafa
7.At the two jamras
The authors of Fathul Qadir (Ibn al Humam, Volume 1,Page 304-308) and Nasbur Rayah (Zaylai, Volume 1 Page. 390) have mentioned that this hadith with this wording is Gharib (strange)
Al Ayni has stated in Al Binayah the commentary of Al Hidayah, after relating the multiple chains of transmissions for this narration; ‘’Study the narrations, is there any mention of raising the hands for the takbir of Qunut? This addition is only to be found in the works of the Hanafis. From amongst whom is the author of Al Hidayah.
In the same work in the chapter of Witr he states; ‘’We have mentioned in the chapter of Salah that there is no reference to the takbir of Qunut in the narrations of Bukhari (Juz Rafa Yadain), al Bazzar, and Tabarani their narration reads;
“Do not raise the hands except in seven places.
1. When commencing Salaat.
2. When entering Musjidul Haraam and seeing the Baitullah.
3. When standing on Marwah.
4. When making Wuqoof with the people in Arafaat.
5. At Muzdalifah.
6. At Maqaamain.
7. When pelting the Jamrah.

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