The times of Salah where it is six months of night and day(The Polar Regions)

Question: What do the learned Ulama have to say about that person who has arrived at such a place where it is six months of day and six months of night? This mostly occurs in the extreme Northern or Southern Polar regions where it is nearly impossible to live, however, Zaid has arrived at this locality to explore. How would he be able to perform his five daily salah?

Answer: The answer to this issue is found in that Hadith As-Shareef which has explained the signs of Qiyaamah. Herein, it is explained that the first day on which Dajjal would appear would be like one year. At that moment, the blessed companions asked, “O Prophet of Allah (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam)! Would merely five salah be sufficient in that period (of one year which is like one day).” The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam ) replied, “No, one should estimate through time.” (Bukhaari, Muslim). When the performance of the salah for one year has been left to time determination, then the salah of six months would also be determined in this manner.

The method of determination has various methods:
1. The first method is to determine that before the appearance of these six months, what the time difference between each salah was and then perform each salah according to this time difference. (If between Magrib and Esha, there was an hour and a half, then this would continue to be the time in which you perform the Esha and so on).
2. The second method is based on the nearest place to this area. One would have to look at which vector of the globe this place is situated and then based on the longitude and latitude and looking at the nearest southern or northern city to this area determine the times of salah at this city.

If this nearest city or area happens to be an area in which true sunlight and the proper determination of the shadow cannot be based as it is done within the Shariah, then in this case, the normal usage of a watch would have to be adopted in the determination of the time of salah. Almighty Allah does not place a burden on someone more than he can carry.

And Allah knows best.


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