List Of Prophets Names with Their Ages

The Age of Prophet Adam Alaihi Salaam is:   930 years

The Age of Prophet Noah-Nuh Alaihi Salaam is:   950 years

The Age of Prophet Shoaib Alaihi Salaam is:   882 years

The Age of Prophet Saleh - Saaleh Alaihi Salaam is:   586 years

The Age of Prophet Idris - Idrees Alaihi Salaam is:   356 years

The Age of Prophet Hud Alaihi Salaam is:   265 years

The Age of Prophet Prophet Zakariya Alaihi Salaam is:   207 years

The Age of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihi Salaam is:   195 years

The Prophet Sulaiman - Solomon Alaihi Salaam is:   150 years

The Age of Prophet Ayyub - Ayyoob Alaihi Salaam is:   146 years

The Age of Prophet Ya'qub - Ya'qoob Alaihi Salaam is:   139 years

The Prophet Ishmael – Ismail Alaihi Salaam is:   137 years

The Prophet Musa - Moses Alaihi Salaam is:   125 years

The Age of Prophet Ya'qub - Ya'qoob Alaihi Salaam is:   139 years

The Age of Prophet Ishaq - Ishaaq Alaihi Salaam is:   120 years

The Age of Prophet Harun - Haaroon Alaihi Salaam is:   119 years

The Age of Prophet Yusuf Alaihi Salaam is:   110 years

The Age of Prophet Yahya Alaihi Salaam is:   95 years

The Age of Last Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam is: Sixty-three (63) years


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